Random Talk
  • asan
    February 2015
    462 Reputation
    You could try interlibrary loan. The ridiculous thing is that the ebook costs just as much as the out-of-print version.
  • Paco
    February 2015
    331 Reputation
    ^thanks. The funny thing is: A long time ago I studied librarianship but since then I was never again in a library, haha.
    I will wait until I win in lotto or until the book gets a affordable price. ;-)
  • February 2015
    262 Reputation
    $76 for the Kindle version, hahaha get real.

    Cheaper than this one, I guess.
  • February 2015
    116 Reputation
    Idols and Celebrity in Japanese Media Culture is definitely a book I'd love to own. I should have picked it up much earlier *_*

    I have no idea how/why Kindle versions get to inflated prices. It's not like they'll ever run out of digital copies!
  • February 2015
    131 Reputation
    It's an academic book, so they price it like a textbook because if a professor assigns it, you have to buy it, I guess. I got it from my university library so I never knew it was expensive.
  • February 2015
    5201 Reputation
    World Tour
  • InvaderInvader
    February 2015
    1737 Reputation
    ^ That's great news. I might travel to Paris for that. I still feel guilty that I'm not going to SCANDAL's concert there :(
  • February 2015
    262 Reputation
    I wonder if "US" only means "California" like it usually does.
  • Maka
    February 2015
    30 Reputation
    And............. they miss Singapore... goddamnit
  • asan
    February 2015
    462 Reputation
  • February 2015
    262 Reputation
    Wouldn't surprise me. Kind of hard to tell from that picture but it looks like it.
  • February 2015
    131 Reputation
    I just know that when Dempagumi says US, they just mean some anime convention in California. Well, I saw a short set by them when I was in Japan, but I would still love to see them here in America.
  • February 2015
    262 Reputation

    I just know that when Dempagumi says US, they just mean some anime convention in California. Well, I saw a short set by them when I was in Japan, but I would still love to see them here in America.

    right?! I'm not flying to the other coast to see them play for half an hour at some convention. I could do New York.
  • Paco
    February 2015
    331 Reputation
    Maybe one step further to a performance with Momoclo?

  • sskssk
    February 2015
    16 Reputation
    Just dropping by to share what I made a couple of months ago. If you want to easily open images from Ameblo posts, you can create a bookmarklet. I uploaded the code and instructions here: http://pastebin.com/udNHkT7Q

    Basically, just copy-paste line #13 from that Pastebin to the URL field of a new bookmark, then name it as you wish. Then, when at an Ameblo blog post, or image, click on that bookmark, and it should open the original image(s) as a jpg file in your browser.

    There's also the original source code if you don't like to execute a random stranger's code. You can study what it does and then pack it with any Javascript compressor (I used http://dean.edwards.name/packer/).

    I use it with Firefox, but it should also work with Chrome. If you use Noscript, make sure you allow ameblo.jp and ameba.jp, and also bookmarklets.

    Edit: learn more about bookmarklets here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bookmarklet
  • asan
    March 2015
    462 Reputation
    Just saw an ad for Disney Channel Japan. First off, I had no idea what ...things Disney produces apart from animated features. And then hearing them dubbed in Japanese was sooo weird. Anyway, ist any of it useful in explaining idols to people?
  • March 2015
    131 Reputation
  • doboddobod
    March 2015
    117 Reputation
    Gonna put this here, if anyone is interested :
    Idols that Go Major on 2015! (And how it went) - Part 1 : http://dobod2.livejournal.com/33785.html
  • March 2015
    5201 Reputation
    Date:August 1 and 2
    Venue:Odaiba and Oume area
  • March 2015
    38 Reputation
    Crayon Pop are finally back with a new batch of cool and quirky songs. The video for "FM" will surely result in more "Momoclo ripoff" charges, but forget that and listen to the song. It's one of their best, a return to the pre-"Bar Bar Bar" sound.