Yuzupon blog http://ameblo.jp/team-syachihoko/entry-12096899910.html I felt dizzy after Suzuka concert and was not able to walk straight. I was diagnosed with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. Very thoughtful of you. I am getting better little by little. Please wait until I come back.
I hope she gets better and this is not something that makes her leave the idol world forever. Her health comes first though, she should take as long as she needs.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benign_paroxysmal_positional_vertigo If I understand correctly calcium crystals are located in a wrong position in the inner ear causing disorientation and dizzyness Neither medication nor surgery are recommended for lighter cases. Instead there are several "maneuvers", call it physical exercises, for the head to get those crystals to move But that is not something that can be successful over night of course. Hence Yuzupon's longer time-out.
^ It actually can be, if done properly. My friend was actually just diagnosed with this, as well, and while she was sent to several doctors to receive medication (some of which helped, some of which made it worse), she went later to her chiropractor, who almost immediately fixed it. Either Yuzu has a very severe case that would require multiple sessions, or she's doing vertigo reduction positioning rather than ear clearing positioning. Neither way is wrong, but the latter usually takes less time to achieve recovery.
I may be a bit dense but why are only a few acts listed on the first page (and that cap) while you have tons others (like miwa, Perfume, V6, Exile, AKB and of course Momoclo) on the contents pages?