Since the running numbers fit and I didn't miss one I guess Kojo made an error there. Btw when I change the text (abbreviations for example) it's only to make it fit in the bubble
Seems they uploaded #418 instead of #417 two days ago No idea if they changed it after that as I didn't check But today's arc is the one I uploaded last So unfortunately there's one missing now
I just want to throw out there, that I honestly (seriously!) didn't know that the arc was circling back to the missing jelly when I eventually worked out the missing jelly reference at the top of the arc. Weird timing.
title} MomoTamaiKon (10)
1} (panel) It started from something so small K: Who was it? Who ate my jelly!? (background) Missing!
2} S: You didn't write your name on it, isn't it your own fault?
3} K: Give it back S: Impossible (background) zap zap