[Movie and Stage Drama] Maku ga Agaru
  • honkey5honkey5
    March 2015
    304 Reputation
    mocha21 said:

    04, Kuchibiru ni Uta wo
    "Maku ga Agaru(127 screens)" and "Kuchibiru ni Uta wo(260 screens)" were released on the same day.
    The both films are set in school club activities.
    Aoi Wakana(Stardust Section 1) and Haruno Kiina(3B / F-girls) appeared on this film.

    It's no wonder with the big difference of screening theaters, and they still have long way to go to beat Yui Aragaki.
    related, empty theaters:
    nicer quality of promotional pics that have been displayed everywhere:





    That posters have appeared on auction sites recently. I wish I could have the one for momokachan, buy paying 6000 yen plush shipping is too much for something that's made on newspaper paper. Even if its momokachan (sob)
  • March 2015
    644 Reputation
  • OM617OM617
    March 2015
    176 Reputation
  • honkey5honkey5
    March 2015
    304 Reputation
    Dragon Ball / Evangelion fans have petitioned american cinemas to screen related films. I wonder if this could also work with american Momoclo fans? mmmmh...
  • March 2015
    131 Reputation
    Not enough of us, but there are Japanese/Asian film festivals
    Japan Cuts: http://www.japansociety.org/page/programs/film/japan-cuts-2014
    New York Asian Film Festival: http://www.subwaycinema.com/nyaff14/
    Japan Film Festival of San Francisco: http://jffsf.org

    Maybe we can request the film to some of these groups.
    There are also conventions which might do screenings, but I don't know much about those.
  • honkey5honkey5
    March 2015
    304 Reputation

    Not enough of us, but there are Japanese/Asian film festivals
    Japan Cuts: http://www.japansociety.org/page/programs/film/japan-cuts-2014
    New York Asian Film Festival: http://www.subwaycinema.com/nyaff14/
    Japan Film Festival of San Francisco: http://jffsf.org

    Maybe we can request the film to some of these groups.

    There are also conventions which might do screenings, but I don't know much about those.

    Yes, im only dreaming. I know mononofus in america are a really small fraction compared with Dragon Ball, Evangelion and Ghiblhi
  • March 2015
    73 Reputation

    Yes, im only dreaming. I know mononofus in america are a really small fraction compared with Dragon Ball, Evangelion and Ghiblhi

    Then all we have to do is get the DBZ fans to back us up! I mean, Momoclo IS singing the theme in the upcoming Revival of F film after all...
  • March 2015
    73 Reputation
    Seriously though, I DID just take eiennoyorikobi's advice and emailed my local Asian Film Festival people and suggested Maku ga Agaru. So, anyone else in Dallas, TX, email them, too! http://asianfilmdallas.com/contact/
  • March 2015
    73 Reputation
    So hey, I got a response from the AFFD! It's a general response that isn't necessarily encouraging...LOL...but hey, it's something, right?

    Thanks for your suggestion, Brad! We will look into it. Hope to see you at the fest this summer!

  • honkey5honkey5
    March 2015
    304 Reputation

    So hey, I got a response from the AFFD! It's a general response that isn't necessarily encouraging...LOL...but hey, it's something, right?

    Thanks for your suggestion, Brad! We will look into it. Hope to see you at the fest this summer!

    Sweet. too bad i live on the west coast, but im definitively doing something too

  • March 2015
    644 Reputation
    April 11, there may be one more movie theater greeting event. It was announced during their very last movie theater greeting event. (The video is viewable on the FC website)
  • March 2015
    644 Reputation
    I got pre-order tickets for the stage production from the 7-11 campaign for May 2 and May 24! I chose May 2nd because it's the first weekend, and May 24th because it's the very last performance (so I hope they do something special :3).
  • March 2015
    5201 Reputation
    You are very lucky.
    Have fun! ;)
  • March 2015
    5201 Reputation

    行ったぞ!127館!ももクロ舞台挨拶全国行脚フィナーレ 3月28日


    [TV] Momoclo no Honki Todokemasu! Ikuzo Zenkoku! 127kan Butaiaisatsu Soushuhen
  • AzureusAzureus
    April 2015
    1470 Reputation
    You can also watch it here.

  • AzureusAzureus
    April 2015
    1470 Reputation
    When the Curtain Rises - Trailer 【Fuji TV Official】 English sub

    When I saw this, I thought there going to be a international release but it's just a youtube channel translating commercials.
  • April 2015
    644 Reputation
    Golden Week tickets are still available for the most part.
    I forgot about the tickets until now, but I wanted the early performance on the 24th.
    Oh well. :(
  • dmkdmk
    April 2015
    104 Reputation
    Azureus said:

    You can also watch it here.

    That was a great watch! I almost fell out of my chair when Kanako stumbled as she was leaving the stage, said she was ok and then walked into a wall - funniest thing I've seen in ages! I really hope this get subbed eventually, especially Momoka's one.
  • AzureusAzureus
    April 2015
    1470 Reputation
    dmk said:

    I almost fell out of my chair when Kanako stumbled as she was leaving the stage, said she was ok and then walked into a wall - funniest thing I've seen in ages!

    Had to gif it.

  • April 2015
    904 Reputation
    There's also a vine somewhere. I think the MomoClo giFactory has it on Twitter and vine