English Subbed Video
  • January 2018
    4653 Reputation
    That was very funny. Thanks :)
  • ColeenaColeena
    January 2018
    174 Reputation
    Here's #166, with another episode of -Ish King: https://openload.co/f/WLo6stu2MHI/Bessatsu_#166_Subbed.mp4
  • January 2018
    14 Reputation
    Thank you for this! It's so hard to access english-subbed momoclo content! :)
  • May 2018
    506 Reputation
    So the 10 year anniversary version of Hajimete no Momoclo is out. Would any of our resident subtitlers be interested in making English subs for it? I haven't watched it yet, so I don't know exactly how much material has been added compared to the original version, but at least a lot of the work is already done with the original subs. I think this is something most fans would be interested in seeing :)
  • December 2018
    446 Reputation
    I found a half translated video on my old PC, from a few years ago. Totally forgot about it, but I finished it now. It's a clip from Momoiro Tsurube that I thought was very funny. Make sure to turn on the subtitles (upper right corner):


    sorry about the awful interface on Dailymotion. I tried Youtube, but it gets blocked automatically. Luckily, we have a tracker to upload stuff like this to (with soft subs): https://aidoru-online.org/torrents-details.php?id=140457
  • December 2018
    4653 Reputation
    That was funny :)
  • December 2018
    159 Reputation
    Thanks!! I just wonder how strong that "chubby" was in the original.
    January 2019
    679 Reputation
    I posted this at Ebichu's sub-forum.

    Doing something different this time. I subbed Tynamite!! Ore no Fuji 2016 - Backstage. Really recommend you to watch the first day live first as it contains spoilers of the outcome of the match.

    Tynamite!! Ore no Fuji 2016 - https://aidoru-online.org/torrents-details.php?id=261

    Subbed Backstage footage:
    ASS file - https://drive.google.com/open?id=17epNARTtxhZNgJsIKAwCPXNLDrZmN0On
    Hardsubbed - https://drive.google.com/open?id=198c6AZP_6darvQjPsiBlfIpBqeaFnnr9
    Stream - https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7160gq

  • January 2019
    4653 Reputation
    Bravo! :)
    April 2019
    679 Reputation
    A work that I didn't finished back then because of my limited understanding.
    Good video for getting to know each group.

    STARDUST PLANET Memorial Party:
    ASS file: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1AAIibpfVP6gw3yU50_qVQKTk183iNY5Y
    Hardsubbed: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Wmxjp8u39aji9fQjVT7fkfCTFhk1IuRB
    Stream: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x76qgix

    May 2019
    679 Reputation
    Posted this in the Ebichu thread just in case you didn't see it.

    Natsu S - Making of:
    ASS file - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1hiNbfOjqGDABxytW8qL55srI8k2qK7xw
    Hardsubbed - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1_TAn_DoD-yKGL1s5YiXhYP2cD9YgQkd2
    Stream - https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x78224w

  • May 2019
    4653 Reputation
    This was great fun. Thanks a bundle :)