[SINGLE]16th The Golden History
  • MM305
    September 2016
    436 Reputation
    But this new song isn't going to be in any of the CDs is it?

    Why post that here and not in a general discussion thread?
  • AzureusAzureus
    September 2016
    1470 Reputation
    I'm guessing you miss the stream, they were just talking about the songs in this cd and other thing they did during the making of their music videos.
  • MM305
    September 2016
    436 Reputation
    Oh really. Hope I can read a translated version of that interview just to know how that production went.
  • September 2016
    3398 Reputation
    Here's my capture of the stream on A!O

    Kanako tomorrow

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  • September 2016
    964 Reputation
    "DECORATION" Music Video
  • vimoralvimoral
    September 2016
    1424 Reputation
    wow i love the coreography !
  • InvaderInvader
    September 2016
    1737 Reputation
    I hope the full version will have a showdown between each of the girls crews. So start you betting on which crew will win.

    My money is on Reni's crew, she must have some secret weapon to have such a confident "I'm not even going to dance" stance throughout the video.

    I've got a comment about the video I'm too scared to do in case hell breaks loose.
  • MM305
    September 2016
    436 Reputation
    What a major tease! The video tag before clicking on it CLEARLY show all the girls tigether, yet this preview only has them in their individual groups.

    Plus, the outfit just seems too comical to act tough in, but I guess they did that on purpose.
  • September 2016
    114 Reputation
    The first time I heard TGH I found the song awful, like for real. But, now, I find myself humming to the song every now and then and I think it's a totally fun melody. Also, decoration got me really hyped! I guess it's against the laws of universe for me to dislike a momoclo song :))
  • MM305
    September 2016
    436 Reputation
    If MCZ has taught me anything, it is to not judge a song after only one listen!!

    Heck, even if a song strikes you or gives you a small feeling of interest after that 1st listen, it takes more listens to really grasp in the beauty and awesomeness of these songs!!
  • September 2016
    904 Reputation
    Invader said:

    I hope the full version will have a showdown between each of the girls crews. So start you betting on which crew will win.

    My money is on Reni's crew, she must have some secret weapon to be such a confident "I'm not even going to dance" stance throughout the video.

    I've got a comment about the video I'm too scared to do in case hell breaks loose.

    I'm going with the Almighty as well. There has to be a reason why she's not dancing. Although I'm afraid Momoka might have a spot at winning since she has such a large crew of dancers who are more focused on music compared to the others sans Kanako. But still. Reni for the win!
  • September 2016
    78 Reputation

    Here's my capture of the stream on A!O

    Kanako tomorrow

    image image image

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    Who is the crowd? How do you go to these?
  • September 2016
    3398 Reputation
    Might have been a FC thingie

    Here's Kanako's turn a day later


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  • honkey5honkey5
    September 2016
    304 Reputation
    momotaka said:

    "DECORATION" Music Video

    I'm a Puninofu and all, but Tamachan OWNS with that "Me VS Cardboard boxes" thingy

  • MM305
    September 2016
    436 Reputation
    I don't know, I watch out for what Reni might do one the 2nd half of this video.

    Plus, Momoka being the only member to have male dancers in her group? I'm suspecting some crazy street style dancing on her part!
  • September 2016
    372 Reputation
    I predict the full video will look something like this:

  • ebizoriebizori
    September 2016
    2293 Reputation
    What an unexpected outcome
  • September 2016
    114 Reputation
    Also I forgot to mention how I missed the 2 PV's per single momokuro
  • MM305
    September 2016
    436 Reputation

    I predict the full video will look something like this:


    Ha, I see what you did there!

    Anyway, after seeing the whole thing, I got to say: if the live performance features 80% of what the video is like, then I think this has to be one of MCZ's top 5 choreography of all time!

  • September 2016
    264 Reputation
    Man, I love this choreography! The song is growing on me a lot as well. Lots of Mahoro Vacation vibe going on here (same guy who wrote them, right?)