I've started translating Momoclo's blog since It's fun studying English and want you guys to know about momoclo more. beside's blog, I'm going to add info about live concert, does anybody want me to add more information rather than that? if there is any suggestion, about my English, web design I'm very glad to know! thank you. https://momoirocloverzinternational.com
Your English is fine (easy to understand), but you do have some small stylistic errors. If you wish, you can post any future content to this thread first, and someone who speaks English on a native level can suggest small changes.
For instance, the front page would sound more natural if it was: THE Japanese idols, Momoiro Clover Z! This page shows information about Momoclo in English.
I was thinking more about the static content on the site (like the History page, maybe News items, that kind of stuff).
I think the blog translations themselves might actually be better the way you wrote them (since I assume your Japanese is better than mine). If someone like me, who hasn't read the original blog posts, tries to correct your translation, the original message might get "lost in translation" so to speak. So it might actually do more harm than good.
Besides, like I said, your English is easy to understand, so I don't think anyone reading the blog post translations would mind small errors.
It's great that you left in the original Japanese text, in those translations, and translated line by line. It's a great way to learn to read Japanese, I wish other blog translators would do it that way too.
Yes you're right. It can be lost in translation. It's better enjoying using this website as it is to inform the news and discuss on momoclo topic. I'm Japanese and go to momoclo concerts very often, so I might be able to post news here. Thank you for your advise.
This is great! I've been thinking of translating their radio shows, especially Takagi's "shuumatsu panchi". I always laugh so much when I listen to it. And I though it will help to study Japanese. But my Japanese skills are very poor. Nonetheless, I could "try" to translate to the best of my ability and other could correct me.However, I can definitely help with syncing the translation with the video/audio. And I was thinking, maybe someone can reupload the videos in youtube as "unlisted" or "private", with the links in this page, so that it won't get deleted. As I said I am more than happy to help with this project if you guys are interested. And thank you for the website, really appreciate it.
posting a collection of links, I'm going to do it.I know some super frequent-uploading-news websites about momoclo. these are all in Japanese though. translating shuumatsu panchi, it's a good idea. listen to the radio archive while you are reading English translation what she is saying. there is a Japanese youtuber uploading momoclo's radio show every time so here is a link, so if I translated the radio show, minee can make a video. that would be good. https://www.youtube.com/user/polopolo25000
I found it's against the copyright, writing the words they say on radio was a problem in these few years. Bunka hoso which is a radio station shuumatsu punch is being broad just started to sale those copy of words at convinience store a week ago. so I'm not uploading those on my website. I'm sorry.
This is awesome! Thanks shogo98! I think it's definitely best that you leave the Japanese text and put the translation with it. Thanks again for doing this!
I uploaded Shuumtasu Momoclo Punch but a ,, It's really hard to translate the japanese word game part. hope you let me know f you don't understand it. I'll delete it if my translation error interferes their image and somebody say anything about copyright. I'm not selling those info or getting any earnings from updating this website so I guess it's ok. or not I'm not sure. Hope you enjoy
A common mistake I found. "weekend heroin momoiro clover z." The correct term would be "heroine", not "heroin". Those two have completely different meanings so I wanted to let you know.
This is really cool! Maybe for the radioshows you could add in the first letter of the name so you can easily see who is talking.
So instead of: I know you made a big mistake last week on Bunkahoso. あーちゃんあーちゃんそれ一応なかったことになってるから。 A-chan,don’t say that.It supposed to be nothing happen. いやめっちゃ機嫌良く4月以降もニッポン放送さんよろしくお願いしますって言ってたじゃん。 No, you can’t pretend nothing happen. You were saying very happily “thank you for letting me in from April onwards,Nipponhoso san”.
You could have:
A: I know you made a big mistake last week on Bunkahoso. あーちゃんあーちゃんそれ一応なかったことになってるから。 R: A-chan,don’t say that.It supposed to be nothing happen. いやめっちゃ機嫌良く4月以降もニッポン放送さんよろしくお願いしますって言ってたじゃん。 A: No, you can’t pretend nothing happen. You were saying very happily “thank you for letting me in from April onwards,Nipponhoso san”.
This makes the conversations a lot easier to follow, especially for long segments like the radio shows.
Thank you for letting me know. I can do that.adding the names at the top of the phrases. The data on youtube has been deleted by youtuber his self. He mentioned about it before, he might going to delete some movies since the other movies have been removed recently.