I guess this all but confirms Ayaka will not return until after March. That is unless she's not being promoted incase she doesn't and has a part ready if she does.
Until heavy rainfall caused a power outage in Shibuya and the stream collapsed :(
After two unsuccessful re-trys they gave up for today and postponed both performances as they couldn't guarantee stable streaming Doesn't really matter that much as the performance seems to have been pre-recorded anyway It might be that this performance will be the same in all timeslots with only different (pre-taped) aftertalks That would be quite a cheat though as those tickes weren't cheap (and I bought one for today's night show as well) We'll see at one point... Lol
So here are some teasers from the first half hour :) Has Mirei put on some weight? That's a rather round face. Lol
This one got off to a rocky start when heavy rain caused a power outage in Shibuya putting an end to the stream after 20 minutes. After two unsuccessful re-tries they gave up on that day :-) Both that performance (the same on all streams) and the aftertalks had been pre-recorded
I was wondering what that play's poster (shown above) was all about as it had absolutely nothing to do with anything here And then I thought that this was probably intentional. Luring the audience and the fans into the theatre thinking that it would be a colorful and glitzy boulevard comedy like the last time with "Girl Business Satellite" Let's come in for some fun and laughs Well this one starts out funny too but as time progresses the fun slowly retreats making way for an increasingly disturbing athmosphere culminating in.... Okay not gonna say more :-)
Ebichu's third stageplay Performed 7 times in March at the Cool Japan Park Osaka TT Hall and the Hakuhinkan Theater in Tokyo Ayaka Yasumoto was still on hiatus at the time
Streamed five times in April on https://zaiko.io/ with aftertalks on four occasions with 19 day: Mayama, Hoshina, Yamaguchi 19 night: Mayama, Hoshina 25 day: Kashiwagi, Kobayashi, Yamada 25 night: Kashiwagi, Nakayama, Takaha
Reviews and comments: https://natalie.mu/music/news/365773 https://natalie.mu/stage/news/375354 エビ中の主演舞台が上演されるのは、2016年3月の「ガールズビジネスサテライト」以来4年ぶり。 メンバーが演じる舞台「ボクコネ~ぼくはテクノカットよりコネチカット」は2008年にタカハ劇団の公演として上演されたもので、 今回はエビ中主演作として大幅にリニューアルされている。 出演するのは真山りか、星名美怜、柏木ひなた、小林歌穂、中山莉子のメンバー5人と山口森広、山田悠介の計7人。 脚本と演出はタカハ劇団を主宰する高羽彩が担当する。