First installment of the Kotteri Patrol with Ahrin, Shiorin and Nankai Candies' Ryota Yamasato And the second part of a new edition of the famous cards game
Introduction of the momokacam at the November Gekkan Takahashi event, second installment of the Kotteri Patrol with Ahrin, Shiorin and Nankai Candies' Ryota Yamasato, and a visit to an amusement park
I only have those as lo-res web captures. I am going to wait until the DVD with my friend's recordings arrives (once a month) and upload the missing episodes then.
Equivalent to web episode #263 Reni doing overtime at the Momoclo Christmas concert venue And next part of the Kotteri Patrol with Ahrin, Shiorin and Nankai Candies' Ryota Yamasato
First a short report about Momoka and kwkm riding a rollercoaster Then a longer report about Momoka's adventure as pro wrestling manager And finally the second part of a new Poi King game segment