Ah yes, I saw it at Book Off but I couldn't open it (it was closed so that you cannot). It costed 17€ and I didn't want to buy it without knowing if there was interesting things in it or no. But you convinced me to look for it next time I'll go there ^_^ It seems if you understand Japanese, it is a great way to know Momoclo even more.
Quick Japan is great magazine published from OHTA Publishing inc. They focus to minority deeply. Momoclo picked up 3times. Vol.95(2011/03) 100pages special (glance of Momoclo and Akarin graduate) Vol.102(2012/06) 100pages special Momoiro Clover Z Vol.103(2012/08) Feature3 (and Feature2 is Maeyamada) Feature1 is HKT48 Sashihara