ayu_19980408: At 11am tomorrow (today?), the jacket covers for 「FIVE」 may be revealed on TA ♪ Look forward to them~ (*^^*)v

alex_ramon: I’m trying to get drunk tonight……
ayu_19980408: Wanna join!!! 😛

K1_Hiroya: The moment I entered the studio, I detected a nice smell. (laugh) (Is that gross?…) So that was my first impression of her… ( ̄◇ ̄;)
ayu_19980408: Thank you ☆ My first impression of Hiroya was the smell of glazed oil. ( ̄▽ ̄) (laugh)

ayu_19980408: The jacket covers are revealed now!!! Check them out at TA~ The official site will be updated at 7pm ☆

o_ayukke_o: Leslie-san + ayu-chan team is definitely the best!!!!!! ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
ayu_19980408: RT

crea_spain: OMG!!!!!!! 『 FIVE 』 covers are PRETTY AMAZING!!!!!!!ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ I LOVE THEM!!!!! Thanks Leslie Kee, good job :))
ayu_19980408: RT

oi_chan_: Though it is common practice to ban the leak of images and contents before the actual CMs or PVs are aired, this artist decided that tweets such as “Filming now” or “This is a scene from filming 1 month ago” will receive more enthusiasm from her fans, compared to normal promotion like “A fun and awesome PV is coming~”! Yesterday, the artist herself revealed some news on Twitter, and many people are now wondering what kind of PV this will be. And the exchanges of the artist and the actors in the PV on Twitter can also show the passion they have. So even though I have to uphold my duty of confidentiality, I also feel like uploading some photos. (lol) It was really awesome on many levels..
ayu_19980408: That’s right, oi-chan ☆ Please don’t tell anyone. Ah, but you can’t tell. (laugh)

ayakamay: @oi_chan_ I totally agree with you! I like how you guys keep up the anticipation, so creative ☆
oi_chan_: We need to keep the filming location (so the fans don’t find us) and the PV contents (the interesting part) secret
ayu_19980408: RT

morikumixx: @oi_chan_ I thought the same way. I did wonder for a moment if what she was doing was right, but she still tweeted enthusiastically, and with her number of followers, the news spread like crazy. And all her tweets were filled with love. It’s easy to do this with PVs, since the artist is the lead and she doesn’t need to answer to others. CMs may also adopt this strategy if we do it well.
oi_chan_: RT
ayu_19980408: RT

sumisae: @K1_Hiroya Will you take part in ayu-chan’s live again?? ♪( ´▽`)
K1_Hiroya: Course of (^ー^)ノ If I can make it for Saitama in October, I will tell her ♪
ayu_19980408: I’ll be waiting (*^^*)♪

maachan039: @K1_Hiroya After talking to ayu-chan, you’ll immediately understand why she’s so well-loved, right?
K1_Hiroya: I became an instant fan. Hmm, so how shall I address Hamasaki Ayumi-san from now on…?
ayu_19980408: “ayu” is OK.

MotokiMinei: It’s difficult trying to decide what to call her– (laugh)
K1_Hiroya: When I was blogging, I referred to her as ayu, and a fan told me to “attach a -san!”. So I started thinking about it.
MotokiMinei: It’s tough.
ayu_19980408: No need to think. “ayu” is OK ♪

nootak: AYU’s amazing mini album “FIVE” covers photographed by LESLIE KEE !!! Congrat!
ayu_19980408: RT

MotokiMinei: Thank you, big sis ayu. Have you had a good rest?
ayu_19980408: Still soaking my eyeballs in solution. (laugh)

1002_xxxLOVEayu: ayu-chaaaan!!! Did Mr Leslie take the photo that’s on the a-nation uchiwa?? Awesome, cool, beautiful ♪♪http://t.co/MF4k2qi
ayu_19980408: Yep (← he types it like that) It was Leslie ☆

ayu_19980408: OK, now that jacket covers are out, it’s time to send in your applications! Round 6 of “Creating matching Twitter avatars for big sis and little bro” ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ♪

kana_xxx2002ayu: ayu, which jacket cover should I use??
ayu_19980408: Use the close-up shot please.

DistanceJu: check it out!!the vampire version of [FIVE]!!haha hope u like it.
ayu_19980408: Wow,Love it!!!

SatoDice_K: ayu wants you guys to make a new profile picture! I’m not good at that kinda stuff, so somebody!lol tweet to @ayu_19980408 with pictures!
ayu_19980408: RT

ayu_ta_heart: ayu-chan, any words we should insert?
ayu_19980408: FIVE is enough, because it holds many meanings.

SatoDice_K: And make @UN1982 ‘s too!
ayu_19980408: RT

Kll_: ■■ Matching avatars done!! Nao-kun looks good here ^^★
UN1982: Wonderful.
ayu_19980408: Whoaa!! Write in Nao’s name too!!

Aderianu: Avatars for @ayu_19980408 and for @UN1982 ^___^
UN1982: Ohhhh (^-^)
ayu_19980408: Ohhhh!!!

karin_1219: @odayoshio Pocky-san! Aren’t ayu-chan’s jacket covers awesome? (〃〃)
odayoshio: I wanna kiss her (lol)

kana_xxx2002ayu: How about this?? (//∇//)
odayoshio: I wanna do stuff to her (lol)
ayu_19980408: Hey hey (lol)

GUTS_RUSH: First to use it without permission (^^)v
ayu_19980408: Huh… What are you doing! (laugh)

together_when11: I wrote “urata naoya” in white letters ★
UN1982: A named version is here!!!!!
ayu_19980408: Are we decided?
UN1982: Let’s decide? (^-^)
ayu_19980408: OK ♪

AAAyu_suba: Lots of people are using A-chan’s jacket cover as their own avatar, so big sis and little bro can’t be matching (*´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥﹏°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ )
ayu_19980408: Please try to avoid using the same image. Thanks m(_ _)m

ayu_19980408: Everyone, thank you so much for creating all the avatars!! I’ll download them all (*^^*)

Kll_: ■■ This summer, we will shine brighter than ever before
ayu_19980408: This one is more summer-y, and won’t match with anyone else’s avatar. Little bro?

ayu_19980408: Changed!! This summer, we will shine brighter than ever before (^_−)−☆

lesliekeesuper: This summer we shall be stronger&shine further!With the FIVE album,from ayu to the world!
ayu_19980408: From us(^_−)−☆

lesliekeesuper: I’m proud & honor to be the photographer for the FIVE album cover. LOVE ayu with respect forever! ☆☆☆☆☆
ayu_19980408: RT