ayu_19980408: After pressure training, I came to Popeye’s, and spotted Timmy-ko here. Having learnt yoga, we confidently tried to do some moves together, but it was painful and tough and we were both screaming away. (laugh) But my body feels so warm now. Happy♪

ayu_19980408: TA is updated ☆

UN1982: It’s a new day, and I’ll be having my first solo live. My band and I promise to let everyone hear the best songs. Let us reach your hearts.
ayu_19980408: Oh! It’s today!!! I-WANT-TO-GO- I-WANT-TO-GO-. I’m sending you a message. (laugh)

ayu_19980408: With my new heart nails done by Ai-pon, let’ go to little bro’s live ♪ Let’s go ♪… Someone~

ayu_19980408: This is…

ayu_19980408: So delicious I can’t stand it.