Original message from here.


Full of energy!
5 May 2012. 14:02:02

I’m so glad to hear so many reviews on new song 「Watashitachi」 

Thank you for your comments 
I’ll definitely take them in as reference!!

Actually, I’m now in the midst of production, and I’m supposed to have created a whole lot of new songs in these few weeks 

Some of you who commented were worried about me, saying “Are you having writer’s block~? It’s ok, don’t overexert yourself!”…

Yes, I’m totally having writer’s block now 

But after seeing all the comments, I’m full of energy again 

Today’s weather is great, so I’ll just have a change and write lyrics on my veranda  

It’s finally Golden Week, and some of you are commenting that you’re down with flu, so do take care of yourselves! Those who are sick, do get well soon 

Alright, I’ll work hard