[Original Entry]


Sendai shows ☆ KUNI
12 July 2013. 15:15

The Sendai shows ☆

Hello, everyone~ (^O^)/

This is performer KUNI.

Wow~, the audience passion during the 2days at Sendai was overflowing, and we all got so hot and excited, right~?!

Grateful to have shared the best time with everyone!!

And to be able to stand on ayu-san’s 15th Anniversary commemorative stage, my joy is total!!

The show is totally awesome too!!

So much to see!!!

So much to hear!!!!!

So much to feel!!!!!!!!

The stage this time was erected with the help of lots of staff too.

Out of all these staff who has always helped us out, I’ll be introducing these people to you today.

The chaos team!!

I took this photo in a hurry when we were all going home, so it turned out blurry (ー ー;)
Sorry m(_ _)m
It’s blurry, but I’ve still uploaded it here ☆
Just leave it to these guys when the ground opens up, and all will be well!!
Thank you for always.
Please continue to support us for the remaining shows!

Alright, this tour which started out in April is coming to an end.

Time really flies when you’re having fun~

I’ll be giving my all for the remaining shows too.

Thank you so much to everyone who came to watch the Sendai shows.

And then, to everyone who has yet to watch this show, and everyone who has yet to watch any of the shows, the troupe will be waiting for you at the venue.

Next up, Hiroshima-!!!

