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COUNTDOWN LIVE 2013-2014 A ~Day 2~
30 December 2013. 17:33

Countdown Live ☆Day 2☆

We have great weather today too, and the booths are all full of people upon opening (*≧∇≦)/

We showed you the goods booths yesterday…

So for today, we’ll introduce the TeamAyu booth and CD booth ♪

The TeamAyu and CD booths are located near the entrance to the stand seats, and both have gift campaigns ☆

The TeamAyu booth has 2 grand prizes! ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ

Wow! There’s even an “ayu signature” to be won, so why don’t you try out your year-end luck at the venue?

More details here

The CD booth is giving out “huge artiste cards (LP size) as gifts for selected purchases!

More details here

Both booths are full of fun campaigns where you can win venue-limited prizes, so do make your way around the booths before the concert! (^-^)ノ゙

Alright, let’s blast through today too-!!!