
Posted on 2014-05-20 00:42:28



Thank you-!!

After receiving the UStream Award again this year,
we’ve gone to hijack 24-hours Ustream again (*゜▽゜*)

We talked so much, played games, watched old clips, spouted nonsense, held an obstacle race early in the morning, did sumo wrestling, and even had a guest appearance! In the end, we performed a concert in the costumes Yosshi designed for this 24-hours event!!
Yosshi helped us out once again (*゜-゜) Thank you (*´`*)

Oh, Syachihoko-chan came to wake us up again this year!

You’ve done it this time, juniors (lol)

Thanks for the totally unwanted wake-up call. (laugh)

and that was UStream x Momoclo’s
24-hour live broadcast!! (*^^*)

So much fun~ ♪

Four-leaved clover image (*´ω`*) Fufu