
Posted on 2014-09-24 23:54:25

Those who saw kwkm-san’s Twitter
will already know this, but

The long-awaited
“Ariyasu Momoka Special” of QUICK JAPAN

Will be released on 14 October— (*・Θ-*)

Thanks to everyone who’ve already sent in congratulatory comments~ ♪

And this issue
will contain 140 pages,
the longest ever personal special released by QJ (* *)

It must be because…
I talked enough to fill up a phone directory (lol)

The photos
were shot in various locations too,
including in Kyoto! (*・Θ-*)

Of course, all the Momonofu
and all the Mononofu, I’ll be glad if you can buy it! (*^Θ^*)

I hope to do a release event if I can too ♪

So— Lots of exciting things are happening in October—
ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=(Medium white circle︎・・)o Vroom

