yoneaki1019: @UN1982 @KATO_YOSHIBO I’m so glad I met you! My treasure! This person too ♪
UN1982: Wowwww (*^^*) My starting point.
ayu_19980408: Awesomeee ♡ It’s Nao-chan——!! o(^▽^)o

ayanofukuoji: New tp×kitty iPhone case is complete!! Thank you♡ esHOLIC at LA♡
ayu_19980408: It’s so cute I’m drooling (@ ̄ρ ̄@) Anyway, my phone has that same lipcream case which Ayano-chan gave to me ♡

kinkumiringo: Kimiyo-chan, who wants to have ayu’s short haircut, is busy taking pictures as the PV plays.
nana_64_: I’ve done the same thing (´∀`)
sou_02: Cool. (*^^*)
ayu_19980408: Azs♪

ayu_19980408: lalala…….♪

ayu_19980408: At the place which is not anywhere…

ayu_19980408: I stand as myself. Hey, please stay as yourself too.