
Posted on 2014-07-18 00:55:06


What’s with the sudden message?!
It gave me a shock— (@_@;)

Though we spend everyday together,
this somehow feels like someone just confessed their love to me in front of everyone,
it makes me blush (〃ω〃)

So~ I read her message countless times (* ̄∇ ̄*)

I never knew she loved me so much (laugh)

Haha! ♪

But seriously, Takagi is just so magical—

A strange feeling of love for her
just welled up inside me (^_^;)

I’m sure this is exactly how
Takagi has charmed all the Mononofu too ♪(/ω\*)

And I’m just a normal human—
Sometimes I wonder if Takagi is really an alien (laugh)

Ah! I’ve now received
Takagi’s magical power (*・Θ-*)

I hope everyone reading this entry
will receive it from me in turn… ☆


