
Posted on 2015-02-26 01:26:42

Yesterday was meet-and-greet at Ibaraki,
and today was our performance at Sky Park Music Festival!!!

To all the Puninofu who attended the meet-and-greet session!
Thank you so much 😌

It was Aarin’s first solo meet-and-greet,
so she was nervous and totally afraid that she would run out of things to talk about

But all the Puninofu were there, waiting for her
It made her really happy 😌

Thank you.

Did Aarin manage to act like herself and talk lots…?

What does everyone think? 💦

And then, to everyone who watched today’s Sky Park Music Festival
Thank you 😌😌

Aarin performed “Momoiro Punch”, “Seishunfu” and “Chai Maxx ZERO” ♪

It was a 5 hour long live broadcast ( •∀•)/

Takebe-san and the rest of the band members
performed throughout the entire show…

How awesome (`・ω・´)

You guys really did a great job! 🙌

And Aarin is totally not letting up as well
“Honma dekka TV” and “Gokigen you” were broadcasted yesterday…

And “VS Arashi” will air soon today (^^)

As we head towards the release date for “Maku ga Agaru”,
she’s getting lots of chances to appear on TV shows ❤

Please check them out!

Oh, she will also be performing live
on “PON!” tomorrow—! (。-∀-)

She had eel yesterday 💓

Aarin has a box of Youkai Watch sweet drops
inside her bag

And she loves the sound the sweets make when they hit against the metal box. (laugh)

Bye! 🙋

Sasaki Ayaka