
Posted on 2015-03-10 11:01:33

Good morning!!

Aarin is welcoming morning at Kagawa Prefecture now ☀

Good morning, Kagawa~ (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

Sorry for not blogging about the meet-and-greet sessions at all.

Last week, Aarin travelled around Kyushu ✈
Kurume, then Saga Yamato, then Tenjin!!

Then, all 5 of us gathered and went to Ishinomaki 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌

And then, yesterday was Aarin festival at Shikoku 💓
Kouchi, then Niihama, then Tokushima (^ω^)

She was really glad to be welcomed warmly at each location! ❤

To all the Mononofu around the country who waited to see us, and all Aarin PINK fans,
thank you so much (`・ω・´)

The cinema dyed in PINK was the best sight ever 😌

Aarin is really excited every time she enters the cinema—

Of course, she also enjoys eating the local delicacies ←

Everyone’s mood and atmosphere feels different at each location
And she finds it really interesting—! (。-∀-)

This might be her first time truly enjoying herself at the different places 🙋

Making eye contact with everyone,
speaking at close range, all this made her really happy,
and she felt saved. (laugh)

Thank you so much.

Yes yes!
The senpai at our office, Kitagawa Keiko-san, went to watch “Maku ga Agaru” too…

And wrote a review on her blog 😌

Aarin was really—!! Shocked—!!!

Big sis Keiko actually watched our performance… (blush)

It’s so embarrassing, but so wonderful, but so embarrassing, but so wonderful…

It’s wonderful!!!

And and!
“Before Maku ga Agaru. I’ll be challenging at girls at their Hito Natsu”. It’s finally been announced! 🎥

We’ve not been shown anything yet, so we don’t know much

But you’ll be able to witness my sulky face! (laugh)

Aarin wants to see it soon too (。-∀-)

Today’s first stop is Takamatsu!

She’ll be back— 😍

Oh, Reni-chan
Great job on your solo concert! (^^)

Sasaki Ayaka