ayu_19980408: Got a newspaper. 

ayu_19980408: Got a newspaper. 

ayu_19980408: Got a newspaper. 

ayu_19980408: Everyone, thank you for today ☆ Looooooove u guys!!! Xoxo

frankie_kie: do you know what the news title means?
ayu_19980408: Yes,but I never care abo that(^_−)−☆

cherry_chow0624: one more newspaper in HK 
ayu_19980408: Really???Wanted get it too;(

gayo1989: Hey, there isn’t a single piece of decent news. The reporters are all so horrid ヽ(`Д´)ノ
ayu_19980408: That is the job of the reporters. Who knows, they may lose their job if they write normal news. So don’t worry about it ×2♪

bjxayu1002: thx ayu, the most unforgetable dinner in my mind last night.
ayu_19980408: We’ll meet again:)))

ayu_19980408: Thank u all HK fans!!!!!!! I had a beautiful time with u guys:))) Going to NYC~~~!!!!!!!

bjxayu1002: ayu, we are very worry about u because we cant see u in airport. so where are u now?(´Д` )
ayu_19980408: Im in airport now.Dont worry☆