tatsukolacey: I wanted to see mum, so I came to Niigata, but… it was like crickets.
ayu_19980408: Tatsu, I spat out the cough drop I was eating at my iPhone when I saw this.

keitamaruyama: And so, later, I’ll focus, my energy, on this masterpiece. But it’s endless. Someoneeeeee–
ayu_19980408: Excited ♡ Excited ♡

ayu_19980408: And finally, we’ll begin full dress rehearsals. It’s make-up time for all the members now. And since I’ll be rehearsing without make-up, it’s Twitter time for me. We’re here inside Yoyogi Gymnasium, and the stages for CDL and Kouhaku are both here, so it’s really a crazy situation now. Both stages make me nervous just by standing beside them ♡

AIKO_esNAIL: Speechless with emotion and elation…
ayu_19980408: Don’t puke tomorrow. (laugh)

ayu_19980408: Today, the entire troupe ran through the whole real show without rehearsing beforehand. Something like a full dress non-rehearsal? TRF’s Chiharu-sama and Etsu-sama also told me after we finished that this was really high quality for a run-through without prior rehearsals. It was just too awesome. HOTEL Love songs will be opening tomorrow, and we’ll put on this show for everyone with confidence!!!

ayu_19980408: Gyaaaaaaaa~ 

katosenseidesu: Going home from Yoyogi!
ayu_19980408: Kato-sensei~ Thank you for staying on until so late! It’s gonna be just as busy, but please support me until the 31st m(_ _)m☆

sgunji: A review of things which made me happy this year. 1: Launch of VOGUE girl, 2: Getting to work with Hamasaki Ayumi-san, 3: Experiencing Fashions Night Out
ayu_19980408: Thank you, Gun-chan ♡ We’ve built Love Hotel at Yoyogi and am waiting for you!!

ayu_19980408: TA is updated ☆

sou_02: Great job!! The tune:up room is safely closed for the night! From tomorrow on, we’ll make sure everyone gets their good night’s rest to last for the next 3 days!!

ayu_19980408: Thanks!!

ayunews: 【Blog Update】 KO COUNTDOWN LIVE 2011−2012 A http://t.co/L8nxFU1R
ayu_19980408: RT

89dori89: The line has formed an L-shape (人uдu) More and more people kept coming! It’s 11:00am now. #ayuDay
ayu_19980408: RT

lovelymimitan: Day 1 of Hamasaki Ayumi’s CDL at Yoyogi, goods sales have started!
ayu_19980408: RT

TA_asako: The entire queue… I’m still in line on the far side of the Gymnasium (´・ω・`)… Is ayu warming up now??? (*^▽^*) #ayuday
ayu_19980408: Σ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ Wow!!!!!

ayu_19980408: To the 13,000 people who stayed over at the hotel today, did you all have fun? Our troupe will be waiting with our hearts for you to come again!! From HOTEL Love songs Manager Baby m(_ _)m☆