2ipss: I can’t see ayu’s pictures~ (´;Д;`)

ayu_19980408: Alright, I tried changing servers! How about now? It’s the same photo as just now ☆

0115mari: Why can’t we view it on our phones?

ayu_19980408: Is this ok? These are the 2 photos from just now ☆

ayu_19980408: TA is updated now ☆ I uploaded photos of all my babies in one go♪

yun24878877: I can see the photos now \(^^)/☆★
ayu_19980408: That’s good (o^^o)

GUTS_RUSH: In the amount of time ayu spent updating TA with 4 entries, I wrote just one tweet… Oh well (^з^)
ayu_19980408: Haha.

Sayu_1002: Chocolat Cocoa-san is… So cute. A-chan without make-up is cute too. Ah. My nose is issuing tomato juice. (σ3 ̄)♪
ayu_19980408: Is it painful? ( ̄▽ ̄)

azu_1ayumix: Laughing at ayu-chan’s antics now \(^∀^)/ No make-up is the best!!!!
ayu_19980408: Ah, you noticed? I had much fun. (laugh)

tyobi5: Ermm~ (>_<) I can’t see the photos on TA. I could see them before ayu-chan changed the server. Please change it back again.
ayu_19980408: I changed the server for Twitter, not TA ( ̄▽ ̄)

osechan: ayu’s face spells “happiness”
ayu_19980408: (*^_^*)

haruayu19980408: I want to see ayu’s strange face now ( ̄∀ ̄)
ayu_19980408: I took one of those ( ̄▽ ̄) I didn’t upload it just now, should I up it now?

ayu_19980408: TA is updated now ☆ with the strange face version. (laugh)

UN1982: I am myself! My life is determined by myself! It’s not determined by other people! You won’t know whether your decisions were good or bad until time has passed, right? It’s a lie if I live thinking “I may be wrong!” all the time. I choose to believe that “I am right!”, even if I may be proven wrong later on.
ayu_19980408: RT

ayu_19980408: You know,life goes on…☆

ayu_ta_heart: JUN-san ♪ Nice to meet you (^0^)/ How is your relationship with ayu-chan like?
jun55126: Is it alright to say that we’re friends? (^-^)/ Sometimes, I see her as a charismatic singer, sometimes as a big sister, and sometimes like a big brother whom I can chat with. And that was our 8 years.
ayu_19980408: JUN-kun, a big brother!! Seriously? (laugh)
jun55126: Big bro (laugh) I was shocked when I saw Twitter. I’m the only person in the world who has ayu as a big brother. Oh, thanks for treating me to food when I went in to report. It was delicious. o(^▽^)o
ayu_19980408: My tummy hurts– o(≧▽≦)o Big bro is not happy!! (lol)