Yesterday, many people from the A TEAM
Gathered at the studio in LA, and we did a photoshoot.
We managed to take some rea~lly nice shots, so please look forward to the time when they are revealed ♪
And in the midst of photoshoots, I noticed this really playful girl.
I think she may be missing her fans in Japan so much
That she was lalalu♪-ing (←whatever that means). (laugh)
Meow~ (=^・ェ・^=)
She seems to be coming closer~.
So will she fill the entire frame in the last shot—!!??
She’s here.
∑( ̄▽ ̄;) Wow!!!!
She was so hyper she turned around completely. (sweatdrop)
I’ll take a photo of her happy face next time, so forgive me now.. (;^_^A
So, till next time!!!! ≡≡≡ヘ(*–)ノ
A STAFF Minazou