Posted on 2014-01-26 00:38:43
A few days ago, for the first time in my life, I set foot in the National Stadium!
For a photoshoot for BLT-san (´▽`)
I knew that it was big, but I was still impressed by the size, and more importantly, the presence? of the National Stadium… When I first entered the place,
That feeling of “Whoa!!!” was too awesome.
Sorry I can’t describe it well—! (;゜゜)
But we thought up lots of things,
and all of us, including the staff, got so excited (^^)
Shall we make the first song in the setlist “Taiyou to ekubo”? (laugh)
The April issue of BLT
will be out on 24 Feb ( ̄▽ ̄)
This time, the photos were taken by Shinoyama Kishin, or Kishin-chan (*゜▽゜*)
Please look forward to seeing it!! (^^)
1. BLT refers to Beautiful lady’s television, a Japanese magazine.