Original message from here.


Correct Answer ☆
15 April 2012. 20:44

Hotel Love songs
Osaka Day 2! Has ended successfully!
To everyone who stayed over today,
Thank you all so much!!!

As troupe leader said during the MC session,
the fans at Osaka are truly the loudest! (^_-)-☆
Thank you so much!

And so,
about the quiz this afternoon..

Thank you for submitting your answers…
Some even came in over Twitter ☆

The correct answer is.

Aki-san!!! So cute today, as usual ♪
Aki-san was born in Kansai too ♪

Look forward to the next round (^○^)v

And for today,
someone will be updating this blog ☆
Look forward to that too!

A-STAFF Micchii
