Like a bird which had forgotten how to fly
I had forgotten how to walk
As I continued to run earnestly
Sometimes it feels long, sometimes short
I turn to look back now
At the distance of this road
Yes, this is the road I chose
Hey, the footprints I’ve left along the way
Are all crooked and muddy
Hey, but I don’t feel even the tiniest regret
Instead, I feel pride from my heart
Yes, this is the road I chose
Hey, the footprints I’ve left along the way
Are all crooked and muddy
Hey, but I don’t feel even the tiniest regret
Instead, I feel pride from my heart
Hey, even now, I can’t live well
I’m not such a skillful person
Hey, but if I can declare one thing
I’ll continue to walk down this road with pride
Someday, a bird which had forgotten how to fly
Will take off and soar once again
Just like how I have stepped out