少年少女 (Shounen shoujo) – Boys and Girls
from Shounen shoujo single.
There was a girl in an unknown town
A girl with a truly unattractive face
Every time she saw her face, she felt like cutting it up with a knife
“That girl is so ugly, I pity her”
Someone whispered to another
“She will never find happiness”
Hearing this, the girl closed her eyes
Boys and girls, run on
Sweating, crying, shining
Boys and girls, run on
Clench your fists and shine
The boy who was abused
Always cast his face down, expressionless
“Why don’t you just disappear?”
A tough fist crashes into his cold cheek
Damn it, I’m not at fault
I no longer know what justice is
Damn it, what’s at fault is my fate, to have been born into this era
Boys and girls, run on
Sweating, crying, shining
Boys and girls, run on
Clench your fists and shine
She was perfect
Able to buy anything she wanted
She was smart, kind
Beautiful, the envy of all
But the girl was alone
There was nobody to embrace her
Noone knew how she always slept alone
On her cold bed
Boys and girls, run on
Sweating, crying, shining
Boys and girls, run on
Clench your fists and shine
Boys and girls, run on
Boys and girls, run on
Boys and girls, run on
Boys and girls, it’s time to journey
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